Saturday, September 24, 2011

That lion's been to hell and back

Here's the most exciting thing to talk about... Mr. Lion had a bath! That poor pacifier's been puked on too many times to count, so I waited until Sophia was asleep and I put him through the wash. Here he is hang-drying.

I haven't had ANY time to craft lately, as I started back to work on September 12th. These two weeks have been extremely busy with such things as getting myself on a schedule (and attempting to actually stick to it), trying to keep up with the laundry and chores around the house, and pumping and sterilizing. It takes a LOT of dedication to keep a kid breastfed while working fulltime!

Thankfully, I get two pump breaks while at work, and I have enough time on my lunch breaks to drive to Sophia's daycare and feed her. It's such a lovely break during the work day, even if half the time I return to my job covered in spit-up!

Near the end of making my awesome baby bag, my machine started to squeak as it sewed and it began to be a bit sluggish, so I know it needs a cleaning and oiling. I'm afraid to use it until I have the money to take the machine in to the shop, so I've been strictly limited to hand stitching projects and drawing. But then, when do I have time to even sit down and enjoy such things?!

I still have a quilt to finish for my friend Jessica's baby Sunny Delilah, and my UFO (unfinished object, an acronym I only just learned!) box badly needs attention.

But when I sit down and feed my daughter, look at her face and see her smile, I'm reminded of the proverb:

Quiet down cobwebs,
Dust go to sleep
I'm rocking my baby
And babies don't keep!!!

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